Reach for the Stars! ( 5A 23 )

Good morning principal teachers and fellow schoolmates, I’m Rico Lui from Form 5A. Today I would like to share my attitude towards studying, with all of you.

For Form 6 boys, all of you are going to face the coming HKDSE within half a year, this should be the hardest process in your secondary school life, but how much effort you put in this half year, will equate to how much you will be rewarded in the future.

For us Form 5 students, we are going to prepare for the HKDSE as well, 1 and a half years of unstoppable fighting is tough enough for us to face, but luckily we still have time to prepare ourselves adequately.

Form 4 boys after choosing your elective subjects, you will have to start studying hard, you try to read some books in our spare time, as you still have time, spend some time on improving both your Chinese and English language as well as your other subjects .

Form 3 boys, as you know, you are going to choose your elective subjects this coming year and it affects your future a lot, work hard in order to have no regrets.

For Form 1 and Form 2 boys, start to form a habit of studying, as you can see in the coming few years, you are going to face quite a lot of challenges.

Last but not least, to all of you, I hope you all can fight for your own dreams, no matter what challenges you meet, keep in your mind that pain is temporary, it may last for a minute or an hour or a day or even a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place, if you quit however, it will last forever.

Thank you for listening.

By LUI Rico 5A (23)