Alumni Electronic Database

To All Alumni,

Invitation to Update Your Contact Details to the SFXC Alumni Association Limited Electronic Database

Due to incomplete and outdated contact details gathered throughout the years, the previous database would soon become obsolete. To enhance communication between the Association and its members, no matter you are already on our contact list or not, you are kindly requested to update the database of contact details by completing the online form. (The link is as follows:

The St. Francis Xavier’s College Alumni Association Limited (SFXCAA) aims to foster and promote fraternity and good fellowship amongst Xaverians of different generations. We organize various activities across the years. For example, the Konrad Cup (football competitions), BBQ gatherings, hiking trips, talks, only to name a few.

Should there be any enquiry, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail to St. Francis Xavier’s College at 45 Sycamore Street, Taikoktsui, Kowloon. Once again, thank you very much for your help!

St. Francis Xavier’s College Alumni Association Limited


The SFXCAA is committed to the compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012. The above data that we have collected will solely be used to deliver information including:

  1. any events and functions to be held by the Association;
  2. benefit and service offers;
  3. solicitation of donations;
  4. latest news from the Marist Schools Alumni Association (Hong Kong);
  5. and other alumni affairs related activities to you personally.