Careers Team

CODE D3 Careers Team
Chairman 5A 朱東軒
Membership N/A
Nature Services Team
Proposed Functions
  • Careers General Knowledge Quiz Contest
  • Enneagram Basic Workshop
  • Careers Talk by SFXC alumnus
  • Visit to the HKAPA

Our club aims at enriching students’ knowledge about their studies after SFXC, giving support and guidance as well as offering a personalised coaching service to students in difficulty. We organise several activities for students, including the Careers General Knowledge Quiz, the Enneagram Basic Workshop, the Careers Talk and a Visit to the HKAPA.

Being a secondary student, you may think that further studies and careers are not related to you. Yet, as the proverb goes, “the early bird catches the worms”. The requisite to success is preparing earlier. Prepare for your future by actively taking part in our activities!