Mindfulness Workshop

The Mindfulness Workshop for Junior Forms parents, organized by the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, was held online on 17 June 2022. Our Principal, Mr. Mario Leung welcomed the parents by explaining the importance of mental health for parents and students. Ms. Law Wing Yan, the instructor of the workshop, then introduced the advantages of practicing mindfulness to parents, and led them to do stretching and deeply relaxed exercises. Through drawing, parents were able to recall their precious time with their children and enjoy a peaceful moment. At the end, all parents gave their sincerely thanks to Ms. Law for the graceful and relaxing evening.

為了提升家長對自己身心健康的關注,以助其對學生的情緒需要作出有效回應,本校聯同新生精神康復會於20226 17日晚上為初中家長舉辦靜觀工作坊。在工作坊上,校長於開首歡迎家長參與,並希望家長能在日常忙碌的生活中,多關注自己及學生的精神需要。而活動導師羅穎欣姑娘在工作坊上為大家介紹修習靜觀的好處,並帶領家長進行伸展活動及深度放鬆,並與家長一起透過繪畫一邊回憶與子女的珍貴片段,一邊享受在專注放鬆的繪畫過程。最後,家長們均十分感謝羅姑娘帶領他們渡過了一個愉快而輕鬆的晚上。